Kerala Snacks from SNR Banana Chips Shop


Abdul Kareem, Mohamed Mustafa and brothers

Since 1949, SNR Banana Chips Shop has been serving Kerala snacks from their bronze vessel in Alathur enroute from Palghat to Coimbatore in India. Pure coconut oil is used for all their frying. Only the red variety of banana (Nenthiran kai) is used for their prime product - banana chips.

Located at Alathur, Pincode: 678541, KERALA, INDIA, they can be contacted by telephone at +91 (492) 224487.

Rate List effective 20th December, 2001.

Sl.No. Item Unit Indian Rs./Unit
Maavu (Ground Flour)
1. Banana Chips Kg 84
2. Jackfruit Chips Kg 94
3. Banana Sweet Chips Kg 64
4. Tapioca Chips Kg 48

Rates subject to change without prior notice.

The snacks can be ordered by phone and obtained by local cargo service. may convey your orders at his convenience to his pal Abdul Kareem.

Happy Snack Time!

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