Welcome to the phpSkelSite Page

phpSkelSite is a small PHP / MySQL based skinnable website skeleton that I wrote to test WireFrame logic in a Web Application I needed urgently.
It is to be used only in a trusted LAN environment as a simple Web Application framework.
It is very well suited to test out Application Logic and Screen Mockups to aid in Spec freeze.
Use any WYSIWYG Web page Editor and copy the necessary code snippet fromthe HTML code and make it your page template (.tpl.php files) in the theme folder.
Installation is straightforward - create a MySQL database - name it phpSkelSite (if any other name, edit db.inc.php) using the SQL file included in the package. Unzip the package into a folder in your WebRoot. Browse to an URL like http://localhost/phpSkelSite and you are good to go!

Sample username / password sets are:-

  • james / hill123
  • peter / tall123
Download 9 KB
v1.4 released on 5th Jan, 2006.